Routledge Psychology Book Covers 1

These two books from Routledge are part of their Psychology range.

Genealogy, Psychology and Identity by Paula Nicholson explores who we are, our place in both contemporary culture and historical context, the importance of genealogy in the identity and the therapeutic potential of family history in cultivating wellbeing. The chosen sleeve is  fresh and light, using a stock illustration over a map image and, I think, manages to avoid a the chilchéd stuffy, antique route.

Adverse Impact Analysis (edited y Scott B. Wilson and Eric M. Dunleavy) is a much more statistical analysis book, dealing a lot with big data. The visuals covered this aspect of the book as it’s quite a rich source of images, with a cover pieced together in Photoshop using a number of layers and layer effects. FYI at the base of this composition is a beautiful emerald image.