Tag: Zed Books

  • The 1 Percent And The Rest Of Us Book Cover

    The 1 Percent And The Rest Of Us Book Cover

    The 1% and the Rest of Us by Tim Di Muzio is a Zed Books title incorporating provocative and original arguments about philanthropy, social wealth and the political role of the super-rich, the author reveals how the 1% are creating a world unto themselves in which the accumulation of ever more money is really a symbolic drive to control society and…

  • Zed Books Environment Book Covers

    Zed Books Environment Book Covers

    Breathing Space by Mark Everard and Understanding Energy and Energy Policy by Timothy F. Braun and Lisa M. Glidden are both Environment titles from Zed Books. Both titles I think work extremely well as simple, clear sleeves that get the message across. Breathing Space is a favourite of mine, I love the colours of the image and the negative…

  • Zed Books Development Book Covers

    Zed Books Development Book Covers

    Three Development titles from Zed Books. The Crises Of Microcredit (edited by Isabelle Guérin, Marc Labie and Jean-Michel Servet), Beyond Colonialism, Development and Globalization (edited by Dominique Caouette and Dip Kapoor), and Masculinities Under Neoliberalism (edited by Andrea Cornwall, Frank G. Karioris and Nancy Lindisfarne). The Crises Of Microcredit uses the scan of an exclamation mark (from a woodblock…

  • Zed Books Africa  Book Covers

    Zed Books Africa Book Covers

    Making Sense of the Central African Republic (edited by Tatiana Carayannis and Louisa Lombard) and Chinese Migrants and Africa’s Development by Giles Mohan, Ben Lampert, May Tan-Mullins and Daphne Chang are both Zed Books titles on the subject of Africa. These are certainly a case of old school and new school, with Making Sense of the Central African Republic much…

  • Zed Books Latin America Book Covers

    Zed Books Latin America Book Covers

    Three Latin America titles from Zed Books, Land And Freedom by Leandro Vergara-Camus, Media Movements by María Soledad Segura and Silvio Waisbord, and The Punitive City by Markus-Michael Müller. Media Movements is a nice graphic sleeve and uses a modern monospaced typeface, a style I enjoy playing around with at the moment. Land and Freedom uses possibly one of the poorest…

  • North Korea book cover

    North Korea book cover

    A book cover that I recently designed for the lovely folks at Zed Books, North Korea: A State of Paranoia is written by Paul French and is an in-depth examination of North Korea’s history and politics. It’s recently picked up book of the week in The Daily Telegraph, you can read the review here. For the sleeve design, I initially looked…

  • Sexuality and Social Justice in Africa book cover

    Sexuality and Social Justice in Africa book cover

    Sexuality and Social Justice in Africa by Marc Epprecht, was sent to print almost a year ago – where does the time go? Part of the acclaimed African Arguments series for Zed Books, it’s an accessible overview of the issues surrounding homosexuality in Africa. The sleeve takes on the signature gritty and earthy look that is…

  • Languages of the Unheard PB sleeve

    Languages of the Unheard PB sleeve

    The lovely folks at Zed Books have been supplying some interesting briefs recently and Languages of the Unheard was no exception. Written by Stephen D’Arcy, this is a daring philosophical text about a controversial subject. The editors wanted to avoid the use of the handmade/stencil aesthetic and have a more elegant look. The set of visuals I created incorporated some…

  • Crises Of Imagination, Crises Of Power book sleeve

    Crises Of Imagination, Crises Of Power book sleeve

    I’m really satisfied with the outcome for this one and it was an interesting title to work on. The brief was very open, as the book covered so many topics, in some cases this can prove harder than a tight brief. However, I managed to narrow it down to a few concepts and supplied a number…