Routledge Educational Book Covers 1

Three book covers that for part of Routledge’s Education range.

Discourse, Dialogue and Technology Enhanced Learning by Rachel Pilkington is invaluable to all those wanting to explore how dialogic processes work and how we facilitate them. A simple concept, I really like the subtle way in which the three elements from the titles blend together. A nice colour palette, one of my favourite Education titles.

Dramatic Science by Debra McGregor and Wendy Precious provide the busy professional with a range of tried and tested techniques to use drama as a support aid to the teaching of science to 5-10 year olds. Similar in many aspects to some of the David Fulton books sleeves I’ve previously worked on, this sleeve features images of children and again was the difficult aspect of the sleeve. Working them into the scientific background was relatively straightforward in comparison.

Rethinking Learning in an Age of Digital Fluency by Maggi Savin-Baden examines what kind of impact an increasingly connected environment is having on learning and what kind of culture it is creating within learning settings. This sleeve featured a change to the sleeve (having worked up a full hi-res cover i.e. beyond the visual stage), reverting to a previous visual and developing that. It interesting how some covers develop in this way. Sometimes it’s better to realise things aren’t working in a particular direction and develop a previous idea that wasn’t quite there, but the skill is to know when that change is needed.