Room Blu-ray and DVD Packaging

Room is based on the best-selling novel by Emma Donoghue and featuring an Academy Award, BAFTA and Golden Globe winning performance from Brie Larson. One of the most acclaimed films of 2016 and Directed by Academy Award nominee Lenny Abrahamson, Room is an intensely powerful and wonderfully life-affirming journey about the power of love, limitless imagination and the strength of the human spirit.

The artwork for Room is based on the theatrical posters. When working on a big title like this, the challenge is keeping the style consistent, while adapting files to work on a different scale (as well as sometimes proportionally different). The fun thing is having bigger budget and being able to work with nice spot finishes! Room has a lovely hot gold foil to make the most of the awards text. The work that goes into such a small element like that is crazy. Hot foil blocking has a minimum width, the main text was fine, but as there were very small ® icons used, they had to be set at such a size they would print correctly and not look like a messy blur. The devil is in the detail as they say. The standard inlay versions features a key line version in a four colour gold, no hot gold foil for those!



